warning: rant ahead... slower moving vehicles keep right
i've had the shit-shit shittiest day everrrrrrrr...
first off started out realizing "HOLY FUCK! i left my wallet which is just a little black leather thing with butterflies that holds a few cards (debt, credit, airmiles, driver's license ON MY DESK!!" now, albeit it was under this hideous green giant file folder and you'd have to sort of heave it up to see if there was anything under there and honestly it DOES look like WORK and a lot of WORK to do it and who knew it was actually there and who would decide to look anyway but they might have given the fact that NO ONE would have been staying ALL night at work GUARDING my belongings and perhaps by the time i got to work it would have been gone OR just the number could have been stolen and random and odd charges like long distance calls to ISTANBUL or a bulk order for ben wah balls so the entire commute into work i was like "please, gods of wallets and purses and credit cards and debit cards, please!!! let it be there!!!" (holy run-on sentence babble batman!)
well, that was about the ONLY thing that went right today. work sucked! and i dont mean suck as in "well, that kinda bites" i mean suck as in "WHAT THE FUCK BAD ASS KARMA PIPE HAVE I BEEN SMOKIN'?!" yah. nothing was working properly. reports that take overnight to generate came back "no records returned". well fucktard, i never ASKED you to return them! I asked you to give me the damn reports before i make monkey chow outta your innards and feed them to neightbour's babies! so yah, going through and realizing that over 50% of the reports that were requested didn't generate put me into a slough of a mood. blergh. this happens every month. every month we have a deadline that follows only TWO DAYS after government reports that are to be scheduled to be filed @ 5pm on said date. so, the best thing to do, in order assure you HAVE the right reports is to request them the day OF due date in HOPES that other companies are savvy on the whole "non-penalty" thing and upload their damn SAF/OAFs for partners to view... OHHHHH but NOOOOO! this would be asking TOOOO much. consequently the "no records returned" comes up for most properties... OH, until the FOLLOWING month when operators have finally decide to adhere to compliance. BASTARDS! now, that was only 08:30... what followed was a series of "why is that not allocating?!!?!" screams and growls. a lot of "omg, you're effin' KIDDING ME!?!" ... so thennnnn, in addition to it being revenue deadline tomorrow, i have to make it EXTRA early b/c i have an appointment scheduled for the afternoon that i cannot miss. instead of 15:00, i have a 12:00 deadline. and believe me, sometimes it is cutting it down to the last 10 minutes to have things completed for month end interface. now, if things were running smoothly, i wouldn't have as much issue with any of the above things... BUT NO. today had to be the day where all planets were misaligned.
at work i've inherited a few new properties from this bloke who resigned b/c (and i quote) "i've been working for 7 years now and i need a break" uhmmm.. HELLO? welcome to *real life*. no, im not envious. i think he's a crack-head. i just found that very odd. so, with that said, you can IMAGINE the state of the work that he has passed off to me. ho'kay (here's the earth... round... blue... ehm, sorry, distracted) i am an aquarius. we're known to be on the anal side of the perfectionist spectrum. now, me, notsomuch. i mean, i like things done 1) efficiently 2) simplified and 3) non-stupid!!! (ok yah, i use windows... SUE ME!!) i try to do my best at whatever i do, maybe that can be seen as perfectionism... anyway, i have no fuggin cloo why people who are stupid are allowed to set up things that *should* run from A through to B in a straight simple line. oh, no. with this, A had to go through calcutta and take a wrong turn at albuquerque to get to G!D! B. either way, it should NOT be done this way. it makes things so much more difficult but makes people doing said property feel more important b/c it is done this way. oh yes, i know this is why it was set up like this. ego. wtf??!?! accountants with ego. that's like Thor in a dress. wrong.
my mental state had been blackened. no. cremated. HA!
all day i kept hearing the french dude in the office next to me yelling into his phone and cursing en francais "tabernacle!" (this is the guy who left montreal 40 years ago but has not lost his accent and pronounces words appearance -- ah-per-ants)... i heard the woman two doors down from that answering her phone two octaves too high "OH HELLO!!!!! how are youuuuuu???" you know the type. the perpetual cheerleader.
i didn't get a chance to even go to the loo b/c the G!D! crap i had to keep re-running b/c of errors. which are VAGUE and completely USELESS. "Market Master has set up errors". well, genius, the market master can produce about five hundred ba-billion errors, which one should we look @ first. again, all lending toward the, now, dubbed Evil Accountant Ego (tm). to add insult to injury, anyone that could possibly help me (ie: team leaders/supervisors) were away at a MOUNTAIN RETREAT in KANANASKIS!!! wtf?? at deadline??? enought said.
with no time to go to the loo do you think i had time to have lunch? heh. i popped a mini-bag of microwave popcorn @ 14:30 and managed to choke that down. my brain just completely shut off after food was consumed. it just protested and wouldn't even focus. is it worth it? is this job worth everything that i have been feeling lately? i've been thinking a lot about a career move in the last few months. not that i want out of oil & gas. i just think i want out of accounting. there are a few things that i am VERY interested in within the oil and gas industry and i am beginning to pursue something in that direction. i just don't think... no, I KNOW that this is NOT what i want out of a career. it is something that i can *do*, it is something that has afforded me great opportunity but it isn't something that i want to define me. and before it does, i want to move on. i want it to be MY choice. there were several times today where i was on the brink of tears of frustration. i stopped myself. nah, it isn't worth it.
as i sit here now and realize what a completely shit day i had, i know it is only one among many damn good ones, i do know this. i count my blessings in knowing that today is *over*. i got a bulk of my work completed. the one POS property is still wonked out, but i have a time tomorrow morning to *really* concentrate on it and figure it out. my mind just wasn't in such a great space from the time i realized my wallet was missing. the GOOD NEWS is that it was where i left it. phew phew. nothing was taken. even the $32 that was stuffed into it was still there. all cards are present and accounted! no ben wahs on the way. i can begin to release the knot that has been pressing on my back all day and breathe...
so now i sit. listening to some very wonderful ulver and mellowing out... im thankful for my blessings... im thankful for my trials... i know it's just another day and it isn't the end of the world... i can just see it from here... ;)