Saturday, September 09, 2006

can i buy an option?

stupid emotional posts should be monitored on blogspot.

i do not retract what i wrote, but once it was vented, clarity set in and i was done.

i think there should be a hormonal-balance test you need to do before you make some posts.

perhaps windows can *finally* make use of their annoying "Warning" pop-up windows:
"Warning: You are about to post something that has scored you in the 89%ile on the emotional Pritchard Scale. Are you sure you want to post this entry?"
And you can click the following options:
A. Fuck off, of course I do, you sodding bastard!
B. Ehm, good point, let me think about this (pause for 10 minutes and window pops up again).
C. Absolutely not! Thank you for saving my blogging reputation as a hard-ass bitch/asshole!
D. No, and please get me a midol/beer.
i'm not a person that lives on regrets and nor says something they don't mean, so i stand by my post. just wanted to send out my own little disclaimer.