this was taken from my friend ann's journal... i decided to answer the same questions she did...
5. Do you like your handwriting? i used to have GREAT penmanship. now it pretty much sucks. when i CONCENTRATE, i can write quite well... i dont have serial killer handwriting, if that's what this question is getting @...
6. What is your favorite lunch meat? ham!! then turkey... or maybe roast beast... but ham is good... oh! and tuna!! tuna is good too... aged salami is nice... oh hell!
8. What is your most embarrassing CD? *runs & hides* Bette Milder... or as ann said: "Bette Midler does metal?"
9. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you? hellyah! well, i'd prolly annoy the ever-livin' shite out of myself... but that would make me more endearing unto me...
10. Are you a daredevil? calculated risks... imma crazy kinda girl, but when it comes to physical risks (ie: uncertain chance of survival) i'd say... "uhmmm... No."
11. Favorite Magazines? photolife & canadian (or national) geographic
12. Do looks matter? there needs to be a healthy level of physical attraction...
13. How do you release anger? cry with intent, clean, repress repress repress! lol, kidding...
15. Do you trust others easily? opposite of ann... cynical soul with a dose of trust...
17. What class in high school do you think was totally useless? CALM (Career & Life Management) plus... the teacher was very "shiny"
18. Do you have a journal? nah... that's considered "evidence", right?
19. Do you use sarcasm a lot? its mostly "sarchasm"...
20. Favorite movie(S): oh man... im a movie FREAK! but my all-time favourite is "A Clockwork Orange"
22. Would you bungee jump? CALCULATED risks... and i've calculated that my weight vs a bungee cord equals zero chance of survival...
23. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? yah, i have to with ma bewts...
24. Do you think that you are strong? *flexes and rips her shirt*
28. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? i can be uber critical...
8. Scary Movies or Happy Endings? scary movies i guess (from these choices)
55. What Books Are You Reading? i will be starting "the historian" shortly...
56. What's On Your Mouse Pad? ma mouse
57. What Did You Watch Last night on TV? southpark
59. Rolling Stones or Beatles? neither, thankyouverymuch
60. What's the furthest you've been from home? Montreal, PQ