Monday, August 15, 2005

Part 2: Review of "Rainy Days and Mondays" by The Carpenters


Blergh! Although I am sure there are worse things than Mondays in the world, such as TUESDAYS for example, Mondays on the whole tend to suck uber much. Today is no exception. Today is Monday. Today sucks. And, by coincidence, it is also raining.

Aside: In previous blog I mentioned that I enjoyed/loved the rain. This still remains true today. However what I do not enjoy is humidity! I recall a Hallmark © card I saw years and years ago that had a picture of a new recruit to the bowels of Hell and the Devil(tm) saying: "It's not so much the heat, but the humidity". That is how I feel. Today is very humid. Today's weather report shows 100% humidity. Ewww! My hair is frizzing, my clothes are rather sticky, did I mention that my hair is frizzing? When you are used to a climate where, when it rains, the moisture is sucked away by some unseen force with such quickness that the ground is turned back into the dust bowl it once was, it is rather difficult to go to the other extreme. Oh and to explain the whole Tuesdays are worse comment: Tuesdays can be worse for the simple reason is that whatever it is that you avoid/screw up will not accept "Oh, don't worry, it's Monday" for an excuse. Alas, I digress.

Mondays. Sucking. Simple. No one wants to get up on the first day of the regular work week. Especially when getting up means waking up @ the crack of butt! Personally, anything BEFORE 06:00 is a completely ungoRdly hour anyway, however 05:00 (when my alarm FIRST RINGS) is the land where even Satan refuses to dwell. I bang on the alarm clock for 3 snoozes and crawl out of bed @ 05:30ish. Now on Mondays, this is a rather daunting task. I've usually just spent the weekend going to bed relatively late and sleeping in relatively late (when I was a teenage and you told me that I would think 08:00 was sleeping in I would have laughed in your face). So. Hauling arse out of bed. Indeed a bad thing for Mondays.

Now, commuting. Although I am one that is a firm supporter of public transit and recommend it to almost everyone, Mondays are a day which I wish I could just stay in my truck all the way to downtown and not have to "deal" with People(tm) in any way whatsoever. Par example: This morning. Crazy lady with the witchy hair (whom, on ANY other day of the week -except Tuesdays- would have probably have intrigued me) decided to plop herself next to me. Now, I understand but not readily accept, the idea that I must somehow TOUCH People(tm) of the public, however when someone plops themselves almost directly INTO my lap, I tend to get a bit growly. Which is what I managed to do, and to which she responded to with an annoyed twitch back to the left. Lady, its MY LAP if I wanted you in it, you would have seen some dollar bills waving in the air!! Now, as we proceeded at record speed down Centre Street (yes, an ingenius name for a street dividing the city between east and west, don't you think?) every time the "Gid Mirning" (say that out loud to yourself!! that is how she says GOOD MORNING!) bus driver SLAMMED on her brakes, Ooo Ooo Witchy-Woman lurched forward uncontrollably but in complete Zen with the bus' Yin Yang or Chi or WTFeverrrrr!!! Blergh.

Monday morning small-talk. This is enough for me to want to pour the scalding cup of cawfee into my eyes. People(tm) don't care about my weekends!! Do they actually think they are FOOLING ME by asking me about it?? No!! Hello!?! You're not! What you DO want me to care about is your weekend. Frankly my dears, it doesn't interest me that your son/daughter had a hockey camp weekend and you sat in the bleachers with your cowbell cheering them on or a dance recital and he/she performed a solo to "Twinkle Twinkle Little Brat"! Honestly, I don't care. Small talk. Bleh! Now, if you came to me and wanted to discuss something like photography or literature or history or something remotely interesting that doesn't deal with spawn or spawn-stuff, I'm so into that! My O-M-G-NOT-AGAIN(!!!)-face isn't a big enough hint for you? How about if I edge myself towards the window with a large and heavy object? Would that be a better signal? Hmmm?

Motivation. Zilch on Mondays. Trust me, I do NOT spend my weekends wondering "Oh gee wonkers! I wonder what project I shall tackle @ work on Monday!!!" Enough said.

If it were not for the fact that my office had a door on it, I am not certain I would (or other people would) survive Mondays!

Mondays don't get me down so much as they just really, really, REALLY piss me orf.