Saturday, October 08, 2005

canadian thanksgiving

my friends across the pond find it odd that we celebrate THANKSGIVING in canada. i guess it does seems a bit odd. for me, thanksgiving has always been my favourite holiday, even moreso than christmas. fall was my favourite season (aside: now its winter) and there's something to be said about long weekends in the fall. being with family. cousins visiting from afar. turkey roasting in the oven all day and the smell that makes your mouth water and lips smack. pumpkin pie. mashed potatos and gravy. stuffing and veggies. fresh dinner rolls. hockey season just starting. laughing and sharing. going around the table and saying what it is that you're thankful. this year i am thankful for many things, specifically...
my family
my friends
meeting new friends
getting patio & fence
being able to be there for old friends
family vacations
my doggies and kitty
love in all forms