Tuesday, September 20, 2005

to tipple or not to tipple that is the question...

lately, i admit, ive been tippling. and im not sure why. im not avoiding anything in my life, im not repressing demons or battling monsters of the psychological nature. i have just found that over the last two years-ish i have been enjoying the slight buzz of intoxication. AND not to mention, socially, a lot of functions take place with copious amounts of alcohol that one must ingest!! (ie: BBQs, pub nights, birthday parties, phyrepits, mondays). hmmm, under such circumstances i have been known to be rather... "unedited". therefore making it a cardinal rule "what happens @ the pub STAYS at the pub". i mean, if people at work only knew... wait, these ARE people from work (which is the subject of an entirely different blog)... dude, i see it this way. ive worked very hard to get to where i am comfortable in my life, home, career, etc... and i come to realize that i can be responsible, corporate and mature AND be crazy, slightly insane, childlike, expressive and individualistic at the same time!! embrace the balance. and for goRd's sake, tipple!!!

Any reference to the word tipple can be credited to Arjen. Thanks for the word mang. Totally boring blog, but DUDE, wtf? TIPPLE??