Saturday, September 17, 2005


my brain processes things rather quickly (for the most part). a friend posed the idea about giving each other words to blog on, i decided to give you a small glimpse as to how i process a bit of my thoughts...

fog. fog is mysterious. enveloping & shrouding. comforting. comforting hugs. a bit vomitous actually. give me harsh whips and uncomforting lashes. whips & chains. shackles on my feet. prisoners. low jacks. puffins with low jacks. irony. subjective. everything is relative. einstein. photo of him sticking his tongue out. mmmm tongue. snogs. brits. bangers & mash. headbanging. \m/. concerts. U2 concert in vancouver. vertigo. waterfalls. erosion. creativity in society. fabulous conversations. comfortable silences. pink floyd. echoes. misty mornings. fog.