i want
a life less ordinary; to live deliberately; to strive
to be adored; desired; devoured
an artist's hands; to create; to explore
an island; isolation
to be possessed by music; to listen; to hear; to understand
to hold love in my hands
a peace that surrounds me; a peace inside of me; a piece of peace
to be a child; to not have responsibility; to be carefree
an opportunity; to take it; to not have regrets
to be more sure; to be assured
to just be me and that be enough
to be adored; desired; devoured
an artist's hands; to create; to explore
an island; isolation
to be possessed by music; to listen; to hear; to understand
to hold love in my hands
a peace that surrounds me; a peace inside of me; a piece of peace
to be a child; to not have responsibility; to be carefree
an opportunity; to take it; to not have regrets
to be more sure; to be assured
to just be me and that be enough
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