Saturday, October 14, 2006

just a thought

my blog isn't even close to matching a "good" blog... i just write shit, talk smack and basically post a load of crap... some might not find it worthy to read. that's their choice. it really doesn't make a difference whether i post or what i post or if i'm editing my thoughts... and for those of you who have emailed me and asked me why i don't allow commets on my blog, i refer you to my title. if you can understand the connection then i commend you.

i enjoy reading a lot of different blogs and it's all good. some are funny, some are serious and some make me *really* think... i enjoy those!

and then... there are others that just make me stare blankly @ my monitor.

"did i just read that?"

i mean, this is a blackboard for everyone and anyone's thoughts. i dont deny others the right to express their thoughts and opinions, but here is mine...

the internet is full of a lot of crap blogs... a lot!! it saddens me to know this space isn't directed at something more useful... like porn...