Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Blame Ann .. again!!

*. . . W O U L D Y O U R A T H E R . . .*

pierce your nose or tongue?: nose
be serious or be funny?: seriously funny
drink whole or skim milk?: skim

* . . . A R E Y O U . . .*

simple or complicated?: a lot of both and a little of neither

* . . . D O Y O U P R E F E R . . . *

flowers or angels?: flowers
grey or black?: black
color or black-and-white photos?: depends. b&w is more moody. me like.
lust or love?: love
sunrise or sunset?: sunset
M&Ms or Skittles?: gummie bears
rap or rock?: rock
staying up late or waking up early? up late
TV or radio?: tv i guess
eating apples or oranges?: apples. oranges make my lips tingle, but i love it. oh damn you sweet sinful fruit!

* . . . A N S W E R T R U T H F U L L Y . . .*

do you have a crush?: yes
do they know it?: i don't think so.

* . . . D O Y O U P R E F E R . . . *

being hot or cold?: cold! i'm 1/2 polar bear & 1/2 penguin... im polguin.
sun or moon?: moon
Winter or Fall?: winter
left or right?: left
having 10 acquaintances or 2 best friends: 2 best friends
sun or rain?: rain!!!!
vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream?: chocolate
boys or girls?: mostly boys
vodka or rum?: wodka

*. . . A B O U T Y O U . . . *

What time is it?: 16:29 UTC-7:00
Name?: vera
Nicknames: v

* . . . W H A T D O Y O U W A N T . . . *

Where do you want to live?: off the grid.
How many kids do you want?: none.
What kind of job do you want?: see previous post. Colour-Namer!!
Do you want to get married?: i really don't see the necessity in it.

*. . . U N I Q U E . . . *

Nervous Habits?: i fiddle with things.
Are you double jointed?: yes
Can you roll your tongue?: yes
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?: yes
Can you blow spit bubbles?: eww, yes.
Can you cross your eyes?: yes. and independently of each other too!
Do you make your bed daily?: usually.

*. . . C L O T H E S, E T C . . . *

Which shoe goes on first?: right
Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at someone? yes.
On the average, how much money do you carry in your wallet?: $40
What jewelry do you wear?: toe-ring & earrings
Favorite piece of clothing?: chocolate brown corduroys

*. . . F O O D . . . *

Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: twirly girly
Have you ever eaten Spam?: HAHA, yah.
Favorite ice cream flavor?: mint chocolate chip
How many kinds cereal are in your cabinet?: Cornflakes, Rice Krispies, CornPops, Captain Crunch, Just Right, Miniwheats, Cheerios, Honeynut Cheerios, ReesePuffs... 9 *blush* I like cereal.
What's your favorite beverage?: water
What's your favorite restaurant?: the keg
Do you cook?: ayup, I have been known to dabble...

*. . . G R O O M I N G . . . *

How often do you brush your teeth?: twice daily.
Hair drying method?: weekdays: blown dry. weekend: air dry.
Have you ever dyed/highlighted your hair?: ayup.

*. . . M A N N E R S . . . *

Do you swear?: fook yah.
Do you ever spit?: ewww, no.
You cook your own food?: yes
You do your own chores?: yes
You got laid today?: nope
You like beef jerky?: LOVE beef jerky, but what does that have to do with manners?
You own more than one brush?: yep.
Your favorite soda is? coke zero
You plan on going to college? already went! can i go back???
You're happy with your hair?: not today, but yes, i usually like my hair.
You own a dog?: two, and currently owned by a cat.
You spend your money wisely?: always. i am really good with my money.
You're always making new friends?: not always, but i don't shy away from opportunities.
You like to swim?: i love swimming
You got bored so you call a friend? why not?
You're patient?: nope.
You like this survey?: i've had better, tbph.
Any last words?: