Tuesday, February 07, 2006


I was reading a blog earlier this morning that I found to be quite interesting and sparked a few comments back and forth between the author of the blog and myself. Now, a bit of history. I found this blog through my friend's comment section and thought I would check it out and I have to admit, it is a blog that I frequently read and sometimes leave a few comments on. Yes yes, I know. I have not activated the comment section on my blog. And it isn't b/c I don't care what you really think… ok, it *is* b/c I don't care what you really think. HAHA! Regardless of that, I found what he said to be quite interesting. He was commenting on how people can be a bit elitist in some aspects of their lives. Mostly pointing to looking down on someone for their personal tastes and it got me to thinking about how I know that *I* do that to a lot of people. In music, literature, art… even every day things like clothes, hair, shoes WHATEVER (I think it is absolutely inherent and unavoidable). No matter where we are, we are constantly judging people; even looking down on them, though we don’t like to admit it (obviously). We make "assessments" of people before they even open their mouths. What they look like, what they're wearing, how they walk... we're looking @ their demographic and judging them on such things like gender, age, etc. Dresses conservatively? Dresses oddly? I am constantly being bombarded by people who look @ me with a raised eyebrow for many reasons. I work in the corporate world. I excel @ my job, but admittedly, I am a bit of an odd duck & often times in my own world. I don’t dress like a business woman, I look different than 99% of the people that I ride the elevators with in the morning. I'm a fat chick, I wear heavy dark eyeliner to work, doc martens, I have a bright ruby red streak in my hair and wear black nailpolish. Do I get judged for this? Sure. Do people around me think less or me b/c I look different than they do? Sure. Do I care? No. I am just being me. Judge me all you want. If I disagree with you, I won't be too shy to let you know what I think of it. Now with regards to me. Do I think that the 99% I ride the elevator with need to lighten up? Yes. Am I being judgmental? Yes. As I said in a previous blog. I *know* these people believe they are living a life that is unique. Just like I think I am. "You are unique, just like everyone else." And so when it comes down to it, it is entirely inconsequential that me and these other people differ in tastes from books, movies, music, art, whathaveyou. Yet we're constantly trying to best each other in these things. Out-snob each other in these things. Live better than our fellow man in these things. Would I be a better person if I watched March of the Penguins over The 40-year old Virgin? (btw, saw both films… loved them!!) I don't think so. But someone out there DOES think that. I'm ok with that. I *know* what I am taking away from both films, I know that neither says much about me as a person. No one knows the ideas & thoughts that are in my head but me. *Makes sure her tin-foil hat is securely fastened* Regardless of whether or not we think we are above judgment, the truth is we are constantly making judgments about others. This other blogger pointed out to me that it is the belittling that makes the difference. To a point, I agree. However if someone chooses to not grow, move beyond, or *gasp* better themselves by trying new things, exploring new facets of Life, the Universe, Everything, then I think they have every reason to be judged. We are in control of our own lives and most of us live in countries where we are able to explore such wonderous things freely. Experiment with life and art and science and cultures and expand who we are. We need to *really* do those things for fear of sinking into the mass. I think that's the bottom line. Another commenter/observer/reader in the blogger's comment section said something about people being extreme and going against the grain. HELL YES!! Let me put it this way. I'd rather *know* I am even SLIGHTLY different in some way than wonder if I am just like everyone else. It isn't for trying to be different, its for just being who I am. Will that make me look down on others for not being true to themselves? I'll answer that with a question. Shouldn't it?