Tuesday, January 02, 2007

2006 In Review...

I decided to see if I could recap the year 2006... So I flipped through my Day-Timer (it is always a good source and the closest thing to a diary that I possess) to see what I could find... In my flipping I realized what a horrible source my 2006 Day-Timer was... Ha! Normally, my Day-Timers are filled with little tidbits and events of the year, but I guess 2006 was an exception to the norm. I have Day-Timers going back to 1994 (at least) that tell tales of where I've been who I hung out with and all that sort of thing. They are fun to peruse and laugh and see how silly I was and still am...
Some highlights* and lowlights* of 2006:
*some content is edited due to the fact that it is really none of your effin' business ;)
  • Grandpa's funeral started the year off with a very somber tone and pretty much calibrated the mood for a lot of the days in 2006.
  • My birthday was a riot! I had friends come from out of town to celebrate which was totally amazing!
  • OPETH! (with Dark Tranquillity and Devildriver)! Whoohoo! Nothing like an extreme metal concert to brighten the year. (Mikael Akerfeldt is super hot, yo)
  • Raising your parents is a tough job, but someone's gotta do it.
  • New PC! (Later to find out it has a very suck-ass integrated (non-upgradeable) video card. Tip to all: build your own PC!)
  • Medical issues totally suck!
  • Mini-break in Toronto to see C!
  • Major landscaping projects completed.
  • Basement development! Not 100% complete, but hopes to have this done for 2007 are very high!
  • Family time in 2006. Nice visits and such. Always goodtimes, especially when departing! ;)
  • I painted a lot of ceramics in 2006.
  • I died my hair bright fuchsia and got tons of Disapproving Stares (tm).
  • Medical issues totally suck!
  • A good and close friend moves to Calgary. Good Times (tm).
  • World of Warcraft.
  • I love Halloween.
  • Vera!! Come on down!! A New Car!!!
  • New glasses. Black and gothy purple. I am "less far-sighted" now which meant... ACK! Bi-Focals! Holy crapalolly! I mean, I'm 33! But, meh. Who cares, I can see, right? I was told this would happen when I was around 16. My eyes have a bad astigmatism and therefore I would need bi-focals into my 30s. Wow, who knew ophthalmologists could be right?
  • Xmas in Ontario had it's good and bad moments.
  • I took some stunning (if I do say so myself) photos in 2006.
  • Friends come into your life and they leave. They make an impression if we choose to allow it. For those that have gone from my life, I thank you for having been a part of it and wish you all the best.
  • Started to look into other options within my company and make calculated choices, career-wise.
A more summarized version:
I became more co-dependent on caffeine in 2006.
I drank less water than I should in 2006.
I ate less carbs than I did in 2005.
I loved in 2006.
I hated in 2006.
I laughed less than in 2005.
I cried more than in 2005.
I realized the value of certain people in my life in 2006.
I've made promises I plan to keep in 2007.
I've decided to shake off this morose blanket that has been smothering me in 2007.
I've decided to be more deliberate in 2007.
Dammit, I will go to the gym more often in 2007!
I will continue to drink coffee in 2007.
I not one for resolutions. In fact, I don't ever make them. However, I will say some have crossed my mind while the clock ticked over to 2007. The above is the closest thing to a list of resolutions anyone would ever see from me. While, as I read in the paper, Canadians are moving over to the trend "to resolve not to resolve" I, of course, have to be different and swing the other way.
So welcome to the world 2007. I'm ready for ya.
Just bring it.