Wednesday, March 22, 2006


my headspace hasn't been one for blogging lately... my brain is blogged with work crap and seriously NO ONE wants to know the "Underground Horror Stories of Accountants"...
BUT (and zis iz a big butt)... then i thought**... why not blog about work... so here are just three of several misconceptions People(tm) have about accountants...

misconception number one: accountants are boring
accountants aren't so much boring as they are anal. and who said anal was boring. *ba dum bum* [wow, you got a 2 for 1 deal!]

misconception number two: accountants are boring
accountants are not known for their keen wit or raging sense of humour. however, get enough of them into a room and they'll be laughing about n00bs mixing up debits and credits and how is it even possible for someone to mishandle capital expenses!! HAHAHA!! hilariously FUNNY!!!!!!!! *listens to the crickets ... err... cricketing* seriously, mix in some beer and voila(!!!) you have yourself a scenario of "Accountants Gone Wild"!!

misconception number three: accountans are boring
accounting isn't exactly the most thrilling job in the world, admittedly there are a lot of procedural tasks that accountants have to do before and after we've been playing/fudging/accounting/fiddling with the numbers. however, even in the most menial tasks of the day accountants can have fun! imagine the look on the document scanner's face when he/she finds a staple arbitrarily found in the stack of 30 pages??? now *that* is hilarious business. OR imagine running to get a faxed document. who DOES that?? funny accountants, that's who!

so there you have it...
now im off to find my sanity...
**actually, it was ANN that suggested i blog about work... i just took it to that *weird* place again...