Sunday, November 27, 2005


so last night wasn't drama. can you spell relief? things went quite alright. it was good to see former workmates. and hostess ALWAYS has fabulous food!! fancy schmancy pancy cheeses, dips, gourmet crackers, caramelized salmon... Oy! chicken wings! so the boyfriend didn't say anything, which was the relief right... and aforementioned current workmate was mentioned but ONCE and forcibly as they were curious as to who was a source of some particular information that i had... no rollings occured, in fact it was overall: SUCCESS.
we played this game called 'catch-phrase'... there is this handheld electronic device where you push doo-dads and words pop-up and you have to get your mates to say the word w/o actually saying the word or "sounds like..." or "starts with..." etc... now, overall there are simple words... such as husband, alive, sempre fi, scimitar ;) but what really stunned me was the lack of geographical knowledge these friends had. if i were to mention "the baltic states"; "lithuania & estonia" what would your first thought be??? YES OF COURSE!... LATVIA!! thankyouverymuch. not saying my friends are dumb. just... accountants. thank goRd for a liberal arts education! i feel more well-rounded. and that's not just b/c im fat either...